Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Choosing of the Theme

Ideally, I would love to write about Health and Medicine.  Being an LPN, trying to get my RN, the theme appeals to me the most.  I want to expand my knowledge on the subject and share my real-life experiences.  For the memoir I would love to write about getting my LPN in the Army, maybe on "trauma lanes" as a medic, and the adrenaline rush of saving my mock war casualty amidst the "battle scene."  For the observation I would like to do a day in the life of a nursing home resident, or maybe as a school nurse.  I am thinking that my argument could be the pros and cons of holistic medicine in the current world.  I don't know much about holistic medicine right now, but it is a subject that greatly interests me.  And for the photo essay?  Well, I'm not too sure right now, I am debating doing something on medicine 50 years ago, compared to modern medicine.  More specifically, I want to do treatments for mental illnesses, and how far we have come.

My back up plan:

Food:  A chance to release my "inner fat kid"  Here are some ideas for the essays:
 - My vegetarian diet
 - Wine in the making  (talk to a vineyard owner, perhaps?)
 - The effect of eating dinner as a family (vs in front of the tv, etc...)
 - Foods from around the world

Arts:  Well, before I was a nurse, I was a photography major.  So naturally, art appeals to me.
 - My experiences in the dark room
 - Behind the scenes, a day on the set (work with a production studio?)
 - Digital vs film
 - Photo capturing life

Family:  My family has had 10 exchange students, so that has made a very unique impact on my life.
 - My exchange student (language barriers and the hilarity that ensues)
 - Through a mother's eyes.  (Whats really going on in that head?!)
 - The effect of eating dinner as a family (again...)
 - Vacations as a family.

What do you think?  What would you like to read about?

Monday, January 30, 2012

All about me

Well, hmm.  I can't say I have a chance to, or need to, write very often anymore.  I never found great joy in writing.  The most I write nowadays is when I have to do my nurse's notes at work, and even then its not that much.  I do love to make lists, lists for everything.  I do happen to have a favorite pen, a nice little fountain pen that writes oh-so smoothly.  Favorite paper?  Something with lines, otherwise I write crookedly.

Since I am not a huge writer, this semester I would like to learn to find joy in writing.  I think I lost it in nursing school.  I wrote all the time when I was in basic training, but maybe that was because I was cut off socially from the world except by way of written word.  During that time I also had a little journal that I used to write my random thoughts in.

I think one of my greatest weaknesses would be my flow of words.  Sometimes I just don't know how to flow smoothly between my statements.  But I'm going to work on it, I promise!  Strengths?  Well I'd say I'm fairly creative.  But I'll let you be the judge of that over the semester.

While I may not be a huge fan of writing, I absolutely adore reading.  I am working on building myself a library.  (You know, like the massive one in Beauty and the Beast.)  I just finished reading Miss Pelegrine's Home for Peculiar Children.  Read it in half a day!  Now I am working on Alice I have Been and Faery Tales.  Some of my favorite authors include Dan Brown, Jodi Picoult, Nicholas Sparks, J.K. Rowling, and James Redfield.  My rule of thumb generally is the book has to capture me in the first 50 pages, 75 if I think it may have potential!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


And so begins my journey into blogging.  I hope you enjoy the background pictures in my blog.  I plan on changing them periodically, they are all my own.  :)

Here is the link back to the Eng101 site.