Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Choosing of the Theme

Ideally, I would love to write about Health and Medicine.  Being an LPN, trying to get my RN, the theme appeals to me the most.  I want to expand my knowledge on the subject and share my real-life experiences.  For the memoir I would love to write about getting my LPN in the Army, maybe on "trauma lanes" as a medic, and the adrenaline rush of saving my mock war casualty amidst the "battle scene."  For the observation I would like to do a day in the life of a nursing home resident, or maybe as a school nurse.  I am thinking that my argument could be the pros and cons of holistic medicine in the current world.  I don't know much about holistic medicine right now, but it is a subject that greatly interests me.  And for the photo essay?  Well, I'm not too sure right now, I am debating doing something on medicine 50 years ago, compared to modern medicine.  More specifically, I want to do treatments for mental illnesses, and how far we have come.

My back up plan:

Food:  A chance to release my "inner fat kid"  Here are some ideas for the essays:
 - My vegetarian diet
 - Wine in the making  (talk to a vineyard owner, perhaps?)
 - The effect of eating dinner as a family (vs in front of the tv, etc...)
 - Foods from around the world

Arts:  Well, before I was a nurse, I was a photography major.  So naturally, art appeals to me.
 - My experiences in the dark room
 - Behind the scenes, a day on the set (work with a production studio?)
 - Digital vs film
 - Photo capturing life

Family:  My family has had 10 exchange students, so that has made a very unique impact on my life.
 - My exchange student (language barriers and the hilarity that ensues)
 - Through a mother's eyes.  (Whats really going on in that head?!)
 - The effect of eating dinner as a family (again...)
 - Vacations as a family.

What do you think?  What would you like to read about?


  1. When I read your post I knew that you were a professional because you write professionally.I wish you sucess in your career and I'm sure you will be an excellent nurse.

  2. Medicine sounds like a fine choice of a theme--lots of great potential for essays for you. (And well done proposal as well!!)
